Monday, October 5, 2015

Distracted drivers+Cellphones=Whiplash Injuries. Here's what you need to know:

Hello everyone, Dr. Renne here to talk about a very common and very painful injury, the condition commonly known as whiplash. Physicians, of course, have a longer and more complicated name for whiplash: CAD Syndrome, also known as Cervical Acceleration Deceleration.

Wow, doc, those sure are some $10 words. What do they mean?

If you’ve ever been in a fender-bender in your car, there is a good chance you’ve experienced at least mild whiplash. Here is what happened to you: the rapid acceleration and deceleration (remember those words from the scientific name?) of the crash forced your neck to flex beyond the limits of its normal range of motion. As your head was suddenly thrown backward and forward, your cervical spine was hyper-extended. This might have resulted in all kinds of injuries to the vertebrae in your spine or the muscles, joints, and ligaments in your neck.

Now, if you experienced whiplash, the pain, soreness, and discomfort might show up right away. But they might not. Sometimes it takes a day or two to feel the effects. But either way it is definitely no fun! Whiplash can have symptoms you wouldn’t expect, too, sometimes taking the form of headaches, dizziness, shoulder and back pain, or even strange prickling or burning sensations.

Sometimes, the injuries you receive from whiplash may be no worse than a stiff neck in the morning. But when you’re dealing with a potential injury to your spine it’s a good idea not to take any chances. If you think you’ve experienced whiplash, don’t just try to tough it out! You need to see a medical provider. Your friendly local chiropractor is one excellent option!

As a chiropractor, here are the things I check for when a patient comes in with whiplash symptoms:
  1. Joint dysfunction and loss of normal range of movement
  2. Muscle dysfunction with painful trigger points
  3. Faulty movement patterns
  4. Herniated discs

If left unchecked, these conditions can lead to chronic pain as well as a loss of range of motion in the neck and shoulders. That’s why we want to get them looked at as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there are effective treatments available. Depending on the nature of the underlying injury, I might recommend chiropractic manipulation, muscle relaxation, muscle stimulation, exercise and physical therapy, or even posture and lifestyle changes. The earlier we start these treatments the more successful they will be!

If you’ve been in a car accident, or had a fall, or been in any kind of physical collision where your head was jerked around, you are at risk for whiplash. If you start experiencing neck pain, shoulder pain, soreness, tingling, numbness, headaches, dizziness, prickling or burning immediately afterward or within a few days, don’t wait! Please see a medical provider ASAP!

If you think you may have experienced whiplash, come in and see us. The phone number to setup an appointment is (904) 398-4860.

Yours in health,  

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
904-398-4860 office

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