Monday, November 10, 2014

Just Say NO! Jacksonville to.......


Hello friends. Dr. Christopher Renne here again to bring share a very important message with you today. I wanted to talk about something that might not seem like it has much to do with chiropractic health: texting and driving.

In fact, this has everything to do with the health of your spine. A huge number of the people that walk through the door of my office have been in car accidents. Do you know how many car accidents involve one or more drivers using a cellphone while driving? Twenty-eight percent! That is over a quarter of all car accidents. Many, unfortunately, never get the opportunity to receive treatment for their auto accident related injuries because they DID NOT SURVIVE their crash!

Here are some other sobering numbers about texting and driving: over one third of all Americans who own cell phones admit to doing it at least some point. When you are texting behind the wheel you are twenty-three times more likely to be involved in an auto collision. Many people claim they can safely text while driving, but a study has shown that teens who try spend about 10% of the time they are texting outside of their lane.

In this viral video, a driving school in Belgium told students they needed to prove they could text while driving and filmed the attempts. The result was some incredibly dangerous driving.

Twelve different states have made it illegal to text while driving, including Florida. Yet people continue to do it anyway.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, chiropractic care can help you get back on the road to recovery. But the best medicine is always prevention. When you text behind the wheel, you greatly increase your risk of being hurt in a collision.

So put that cell phone away and keep your eyes on the road. Your family, your spine and other drivers will thank you! Please share this article and video with all of your family, friends and others you may have in your contacts list. 

Who knows, this simple act may save a life.

As always, be well.

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Blvd.
Jacksonville, Fl. 32207

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